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Recruiting Survey

    Many companies in the area are struggling with recruiting and filling open jobs.  To assist HR Professionals in the SW Michigan area we have created a short survey to share what works and what doesn't work in your recruiting process.  This is a short 7 question survey.  If you choose to participate in this survey please make your answers as long or short as you like.  The survey starts on Friday, July 19th and end on Friday August 9th.  All survey participants will be able to share in the survey results at the end of the survey.  Thank you, in advance, for participating.

    Are you manufacturing, retail, staffing, educational, etc.
    Please enter a city or township where your business is located.
    Enter a number that most closely represents the number of employees in your company.
    Do you use websites like or CareerBuilder, or newspaper ads, billboards, mass emails, etc.
    This is pretty self explanatory.
    Are you dangling a big carrot to get your employees to recruit for you?
    Are there some benefits that help make you one of those "employers of choice"?
    This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.